Who Are We

Expand Logix Ltd (ELL) is a fully owned Kenyan company established with the aim of providing technology solutions to Small, Medium and Large Organizations across Kenya and the Region.

We promise is to deliver solutions and services with a commitment to excellence through our people systems and processes. We will focus on our quality management systems in accordance with the Industry best Standard requirements and regulations.

We aim to become a world class, innovative, competitive, and profitable technology solutions provider complete with business solutions and services.

Process As A Tool For Improvement

As we continued to refine our service we quickly found that Process is EVERYTHING – documenting, training, and refining HOW we. as a company, were going to deliver our service was the only way we could drive consistent results. It also allowed us to look at our services as a set of systems, each of which we could measure and improve on.

You can’t just hire a bunch of ‘good people’ and expect them to deliver on a consistent basis without a set of policies and procedures on HOW to deliver those services. Without process around service delivery, you hear; “When I get X-tech he knows what to do, when I get Y-tech, not so much.” This is a DEAD GIVEAWAY that the company doesn’t have a process in place for service delivery.

We’ve been working on our process – evolving with ever-changing Business needs and the shifting technology landscape.

We Are Small (and feel it is an advantage):

In our industry, bigger is seen as better. Companies, buy other companies, buy other companies – all in an effort to roll up onto a larger topline number and make the company worth more (which doesn’t really help the customers any!)

Ever the contrarians, we feel the opposite.

Here’s why – you can’t give the proper care and attention that real proactive services require when you have hundreds of customers, most of whom are on the reactive ‘Bronze Plan’ and call out of the blue for emergency support – sorry it just won’t work. Believe me, we have tried!!

Instead, we focus on steady growth with the right customers and watch our staffing metrics like a hawk.

Outstanding People In Dedicated Roles.

I know that EVERY IT company says they have great people and we have no reason to doubt them.

But here is the secret – great people doing ‘everything’ can’t come close to our people, each in dedicated roles with defined expectations and responsibilities and metrics that flow from a solid process.

A Simple Formula In the end, it all comes down to a simple formula;

Our People + Our Process + Our Tools + Discipline = Awesome Results You Can’t Get